Ps. 139:13


“. . . You created my inmost being; you knit me together in my mother’s womb.


I know that a lot of the people reading this are not mothers.  But I am fairly confident that everyone reading these words had a mother.  Therefore, everyone has a stake in Mother’s Day and a reason to be thankful to God. 


People tend to get a little mushy about moms and the whole idea of Mother’s Day – I know because I’ve read the cards at Wal-Mart.  Nevertheless, it is wise for pastors to be a little careful about what they say this time of year.  Why?  Because for some, motherhood was unwelcome; for some, biological motherhood isn’t possible; for others, memories of mother aren’t all that nice; and for most moms, even under the best of circumstances, motherhood isn’t a bed of roses.


But, you know what . . . even with the dirty diapers and busy schedules, sick children and sleepless nights, mothers and their children are part of God’s plan; it is a relationship that springs from His divine purpose and provision.  And even if the fall has warped the image, motherhood still reflects God’s love for His children.  “As a mother comforts her child, so will I comfort you. . .”  (Isa 66:13).  So praise God and, if it is possible, hug your mother . . . and have a very Happy Mother’s Day.


Pastor Keith Andrews