Php. 2:14-15
“Do everything
without complaining or arguing, so that you may become blameless and pure,
children of God without fault in a crooked and depraved generation,
in which you shine like stars in the universe as you hold out the word of life
. . .”
Everybody remembers the 1970’s
musical/opera/movie Jesus Christ Superstar. It was wildly popular
and, at the same time, highly controversial. A lot of Christians were
initially offended by the title . . . “Superstar” indeed! Still, His name
IS above every other name. He is the only example we have of a truly
godly person. He is the One we must follow and obey and honor and
trust. I’m not sure that Tim Rice and Andrew Lloyd Webber really
understood it, but Jesus Christ IS the hero of history.
If we
are to be like Jesus, we need to be stars too. Not THE star, but at least
those who, like Jesus, stand out from the crowd. And not because of our
good looks or great athletic or theatrical ability, but because of our
extraordinary obedience and faithfulness; because of our sacrificial love for
God and for His church; because of our purity and integrity.
wrote a letter to the church in Philippi in which he stressed the need for
unity of spirit. He was writing to believers, but they were believers
with problems that were keeping them from being successful as ministers of the
gospel. To put it plainly, they were acting like unbelievers. They
were putting themselves first instead of putting the cause of Christ
first. He reminds them that, if they want to be stars like Jesus was a
star, they’ll have to do it the same way Jesus did; without complaining or
arguing. "Father, if you are willing, take this cup from me; yet
not my will, but yours be done." It is when believers
display that attitude that they look like children of God. It is as the
church goes about the work of ministry without grumbling and argument that it
shines forth in a crooked and depraved world.
It is
good to be reminded from time to time that our purpose is to glorify God and to
be about the work of enabling others to glorify God. So let’s be
superstars at holding out the Word of life!
--- Pastor Keith Andrews